Tuesday, March 29, 2016

God of Economics Part 2


God and the forces of demand and supply....

2nd Kings 7:1 Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord ; Thus saith the Lord , To morrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria.

The story is a popular one. There was famine in the land. As a result, there was shortage of supply of goods and services. This resulted to the worst record of inflation in the bible. If we decide to  describe the situation from today's economic dictionary, the situation can be referred to as RUN-AWAY INFLATION. The situation got to the extent that people started seeking for unnecessary alternatives to survival. The people of God. Apart from the unfavourable economic situation, the land was also faced with a threat from the Syrian government. As a matter of fact, the mighty Syrian Army had already camped waiting to destroy the land.

Four lepers who could no longer bear the situation made a decision to embark on an adventure. God made the Syrians to hear the sound of mighty Army approaching, they fled leaving the materials they brought along to execute the war with.


Back to the story, the proclamation made by the man of God was that the prices of goods and services will fall within 24 hours. Remember that inflation is a continuous rise in general price level.  Ordinarily, this is impossible to solve within 24 hours. The man that doubted him was right as an ordinary man. Inflation is never handled like that. The man's only mistake was that he failed to recognize the power of the Almighty.


One can simply analyse the event spiritually by concentrating on the efficacy of the words of the man of God. He made a proclamation and gave time, it came to pass. There is a relationship between the words and the fleeing of the Syrian soldiers. That is God. I hereby proclaim that same God will fulfill His promises in your life in Jesus' name. Amen!


The aim of this article is to show how God can use economic tools to achieve spiritual results. In this biblical event, God used the forces of demand and supply to restore the economic situation of Samaria. There was shortage in the land, it resulted to continuous rise in general price level, God supplied food for three days. On the first day, inflation disappeared. From the knowledge of primary economics, EXCESS SUPPLY has a behaviour of bringing price down to equilibrium. The tool used by God here is supply. To understand this the more, the following points have to be considered:

-God knows that excess supply forces price down to equilibrium.
-God orchestrated the war to solve that particular situation.
-God ensured that the Syrians brought enough food in order to achieve that price proclaimed by the man of God.

One may ask,  was God the owner of the Syrians' materials? The earth is the Lord's and everything in it.


When petroleum marketers hold  a nation to ransom, apply supply and stability will be achieved. In this case, increase in supply may also involve increasing the number of refining capacity. It may also mean the encouragement of the illegal refiners with licences to do proper businesses.

Finally, I pray that same God that supplied food to His people through the Syrians will supply your food in Jesus' name. Amen!

Same power that favoured Jesus in the grave will favour you in Jesus' name. Amen!

Watch out for part 3

Monday, March 28, 2016

7 Reasons to Avoid Beef

You’re an individual. That means, no matter what the latest study says, it may or may not apply to you since your body chemistry is unique and may react differently than what is reported. Most of us have (or know) some crazy uncle who smokes, drinks, and eats hamburgers daily and he just turned 95 and still there’s no sign of dementia, heart disease, cancer — nothing. (Why researchers don’t do studies on people like him, instead of the ones who get sick, I’ll never know.)
But, if you are trying to decide whether red meat is safe to eat, ou should know that the following seven red flags have been raised. Still, it’s up to you to decide. Is it worth it? How much is too much?

Reason 1: Red Meat May Increase Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Scientists believe when proteins called Tau and beta-amyloid accumulate in the brain they either disrupt nerve cells or kill them — and this may be the cause of Alzheimer’s disease. A new study from UCLA, though, suggests that iron accumulation is another possible contributing factor. Using an unusual MRI technique, researchers found that iron had begun to accumulate in the brains of 31 Alzheimer's patients. Specifically, they discovered this build-up in a part of the brain which is generally damaged in the early stages of the disease. How does this connect to red meat? Well, it's full of iron, and a high-red meat diet can lead to iron build up. 

Reason 2: Red Meat Can Cause Cardiovascular Disease

Time and again scientists have demonstrated a connection between eating large amounts of red meat and an individual’s risk for heart disease. Now, a recent study suggests this link between red meat and disease does not derive from the saturated fats and cholesterol, but the fact that your gut microbes break down a compound found in the meat known as carnitine, which in turn produces trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). And TMAO has been associated with atherosclerosis, the fatty build-up in your arteries which in turn may cause a heart attack.

Reason 3: Your Risk of Colon Cancer Goes Up With Your Red Meat Consumption

Quite a few studies have provided evidence of red meat potentially causing colon cancer, and a U.S. study which involved 148,610 participants between the ages of 50 and 74 showed that a high consumption of red and processed meats substantially increased the risk of colorectal cancer. Fish and fowl, though, had the opposite effect: long-term consumption of large amounts of these appeared to ward off cancer of the colon and rectum.
Harvard says so.

Reason 4: Lots of Beef --> Type 2 Diabetes

According to recent research, red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and three extra servings of red meat every week increases the risk of developing diabetes by 50 percent. That’s a pretty disheartening statistic. And you thought it was the cake and ice cream that would get you.

Reason 5: Mad Cow Disease. Obviously.

Mad cow disease was first discovered in the United Kingdom in 1986 and after that, it blossomed into a full-scale epidemic, affecti g about 180,000 cattle over the next fifteen years. There is mounting evidence that it may cause variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, which is not only fatal but kills you within fourteen months of diagnosis. So far, only three cases in the U.S. (227 worldwide) have been reported… but that number will eventually rise.

Reason 6: Meat Just Ain’t What It Used To Be

Unlike the steak mom and dad used to cook up on weekends, the meat you eat today has probably been pumped full of hormones to make it grow faster and antibiotics to prevent disease. Although such drugs have all been individually tested and approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), what has never been tested is whether these drugs may be harmful in combination. Meaning, in combination with all otherchemicals and drugs you unknowingly absorb, breathe, and drink every day, including those in the air and those in the water. So whether or not an individual chemical, hormone or antibiotic has been proven to have a harmful affect or not, no one really knows what a combination of several chemicals, hormones and antibiotics will do to you.

Reason 7: Cows Are Nice

In all likelihood you drank their milk as a child and I'd bet anything your first coloring book had outlines of cows on its pages. Has a cow ever done one mean thing to you? 
I thought not.

Sources: Pan A, Sun Qi, Bernstein AM, Manson JE, Willett WC, Hu FB. Changes in Red Meat Consumption and Subsequent Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Three Cohorts of US Men and Women. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2013.
Raven EP, Lu PO, Tishler TA, Heydari P, Bartzokis G. Increased Iron Levels and Decreased Tissue Integrity in Hippocampus of Alzheimer’s Disease Detected in vivo with Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2013.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

God of Economics part 1


The Difference between WANTS and NEEDS 

The book of Philippians 4:19 gave one of the most important promises in Christianity. The scripture is a special source of hope to every Christian. The bible said that the LORD shall supply all our need according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.

The bible is very clear about it. He shall supply our NEEDS not WANTS. In the order of importance, NEEDS  are ahead of WANTS. 


From simple knowledge of primary economics, wants are those things man desires yet he can still survive without them. Good examples include: wrist watches, handsets, air conditioner, cars, education etc. These things are important but a careful observation around you will prove that many people have lived their lives long without them. These things are the ones God has placed in your hands to chase. They are of less important than the needs. However, needs are those things a man desires and he CANNOT do without them. The economists identified three as the major ones. They are: FOOD, SHELTER AND CLOTHING. No living being can avoid them. As a result of how important they are, God in Phil 4:19 has absorbed them as His responsibilities to supply them to you.


The inability of many to distinguish between want and need causes delay in the answering of prayers. While God concentrates on the needs, He empowers the man to chase the wants by nursing ambitions. Remember the prayer of Jacob as he was fleeing from his brother. He asked God for two major things: bread and clothing. Man makes the mistake of placing his concentration on less important things in the stead of the things God wishes for him as a result of their multiplier miraculous effect on man. He supplies our needs according to the riches of His glory.


No. Needs are as numerous as they can be identified. Despite the fact that we have always discussed the three basic needs as identified by the economists, WANTS have a special ability to transform into needs. Hence, as wants are numerous, so are needs. One may ask how a want can become a need? A man that travels from Aba to Port Harcourt on daily basis for his work NEEDS a car. To the footballer, a boot is a need. If higher qualification is required for promotion, education becomes a need. Wants can transform into needs.

However, it requires a good presentation ability to drive it home to God for answering. This is because He supplies our needs.


God knows economics more than any economist. He knows what you really need and He is waiting for you to do your part. For that reason, use this beautiful opportunity to communicate with Him. 

-Try to distinguish between the wants and the needs in your life.
-Try to identify those wants that have transformed into needs.
-Communicate them effectively to God in prayer.

He has promised to supply our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

May same power that favoured Jesus even in the grave favour you in Jesus' name. Amen!

Watch out for part 2