Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Where you Should Emulate Moses

"And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." Exodus 3:3

The Moses that started a fight he could not win fled  to Midian.  One day as he kept the flock of Jethro, an angel appeared  to him in form of  a flame of fire. Indisputably, it was a strange occurrence and he was attracted by the sight. The simple reason God used the fire at that particular time was to capture the attention of Moses. In the same vein, God uses different things today to draw our attention to Himself. The only difference here is that Moses was very curious to know what was happening while we have just refused to understand the signs God uses to call us. God  has been calling your attention with those church services you ignore, with the Societal needs to solve, with those challenges at your place of work which you neglect while you chase your own dreams. God might be calling you with those departments in your church you have allowed to suffer. There are different things God uses to draw our attention. In our Societies today, reputable young people are gradually becoming scarce. God wants your attention directed towards this area. Moses said that he must know what the strange sight was all about. Have you ever asked yourself what God expects of you in the face of  all these challenges rocking the nation. Initially, Moses felt he had the solution just as you were thinking that mere criticism and insult will solve a fundamental problem. God is using it to draw your attention to Himself. That unemployment might be a fire God is using to bring you to Himself in order to [prove His supremacy. That family challenge might be the thing that will bring you to your maker. The earlier you think about this the better for you.

  • It brings you to having real business with God:  On getting closer God spoke to Moses. If you obey this voice today, God will speak to you before the end of this week in Jesus' name. Amen!
  • It helps you to get rid of the obstacles of your life: God told Moses to remove his shoes. This simply means there are things you must get rid of in order to enjoy business with the Most High. His blessings can only flow in your direction if you agree to change your life and believe wholly in His ability. You must discard the mentality of doing it yourself even when you have repeatedly failed and rely totally on His wisdom.
  • It will empower you: As a result of his curiosity, God empowered and commissioned Moses. God said to him:"See, I have made thee a god to Pharoah..." (Exodus 7:1) As a result of this meeting, Moses became a god to same Pharoah he fled from.
I don't know what had been chasing you all these while. I don't know what has intimidated you before now. I don't know the highest terror your family has been faced with. In some families untimely death represents their Pharoah. In some poverty while childlessness, delay, bankruptcy, unproductivity, unemployment, lack of opportunity, lack of family peace, peculiar sicknesses and diseases running in the family line, hatred, contention, ancestral troubles and many more represent the Pharoah of different people and families. However, same God that promoted Moses over Pharoah will promote today in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

The simple condition for this is to recognize the sign with which He has been attracting your attention. He is by the door of your heart calling. Only if you will open the door and host Him all these challenges will be under you in Jesus' name. Amen!

If there are areas you are touched by this, bow down your head and say these prayers:
1)  Father, forgive me for not paying attention to your signals till this moment.
2)  Father, because I have come, may I have your instructions as you spoke to Moses in Jesus' name...
3)  Father, empower me today to be a god to my challengers in Jesus' name....

Finally, I assure you that God will not abandon you in Jesus' name. Apply all these and don't forget to share your testimony....

Discrimination in the Church of God

I remember attending the Holy Ghost Service at the Redemption Camp on September 2010. The programme is usually in the evenings of every first friday of the month. On that day I decided to go earlier because it was the month of my birth and I needed to settle some issues with my God before the commencement of the programme in the evening. On getting there, I noticed that all the seats in the front ...were occupied by either human beings or bags or wrappers even at 11am. A practice I have always condemned. I managed to get a place to sit. After spending about six hours on this seat, two women arrived from no where and asked me to stand for them. According to them, they had already booked the seats for themselves and friends yet to come before going out. I was embarrassed. This because I had to inquire from a lady sitting beside if anybody had been there and I could still remember that the lady said no. However, when these soldiers arrived before me with threats and insults, that same lady that came to church same way I did denied me totally. The problem was no longer the seat but the nature of the people that came to pray to God. I can comfortably say that a witch in the village might not be able to say what these women were saying to their brother in Christ. I did not reply them. A mature man that was sitting beside decided to settle everything and eventually added salt to the wound. He asked me:'Young man, where are you from?' Thinking that he wanted to know my State of origin and I told him. This man released this bombshell. He concluded:'So you came all the way from there to make troubles here?' I was disappointed in the whole system. I left the seat because I had come for a serious business with God and nobody should disrupt it. However, the Church in Nigeria has failed in the area of uniting the children of God. Ethnic rivalry still manifests in the Church as it does in the secular. A pastor's wife from Kwara State boasted one day that she will never be a member of a Church headed by Igboman. When I tried to know her reason, she told me it is because of the Igbo man's quest for money. Meanwhile, at same time, her husband was still facing a panel over misappropriation of Church fund after being demoted. In conclusion, if the blood of your own Jesus is not able to wash away the stain of ethnicity, that your Jesus is not the son of God and the truth is not in you.... 

Story by Percy Omenazu- www.twitter.com/lordpercyo
Event took place on September3, 2010
At the Redemption Camp....